Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Cadbury


22 10:41:30

I have a house bunny, who moved into the garage in February.  A few months ago, he had a runny nose and eye, and the vet diagnosed as a blocked tear duct.  This went after a second course of anti-biotics.

This has recently returned, his nose and eye came especially runny and he struggled to breathe.   Anti-biotics aren't working this time.
Do you think the dust in the garage has caused this - or is it an infection that couldn't have been helped?  Can rabbit's suffocate if their noses are blocked?


Dear Kate,

A garage is an unhealthy, depressing environment for anyone, and the stress of living there could certainly be contributing to Cadbury's illness. Please bring him back inside where he belongs, or else try to find a home where he won't have to live in a garage, which is just not a suitable home for a rabbit.

Please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

If he is actually having trouble breathing, he could have pneumonia and needs to be nebulized with antibiotics and drugs to open his airways.  Rabbits are obligate nasal breathers, but if the sinuses are blocked, they may breathe with an open mouth--a sure sign that the bunny is extremely sick and in need of emergency veterinary care.

I hope you will get him to a good vet for proper treatment soon, and also bring him back inside.  If the problem was litterbox habits, then please read:


Hope that helps.
