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gel urine, stomach gurgles, help!

22 9:48:26

Hi, We are first time rabbit owners, purchasing our new baby rabbit almost a week ago.  We have just noticed a gel like clear discharge that almost looks like fish eggs with a little blood noticeable in the fluid.  Her tummy makes a gurgling noise often.  As for her activity level, she seems more calm now than she was a couple of days ago; so I don't know if she's getting used to us or if she's lethargic.  We don't have any rabbit vets locally and plan to travel to the nearest city with one listed on the House Rabbit Society website.  However, I was hoping you might be able to tell me something to try in the meantime; or tell me if this is ordinary and we're over reacting.  Thank you!

Hi Myra,

You are not overreacting at all.  This is called mucoid enteritis or mucoid enteropathy.  This can be an extremely deadly problem and it is very important that you get your bunny to a rabbit savvy vet right away.  We have had rabbits in the past that were able to get over it on their own but usually once the gurgling stomach starts it is a downhill spiral.  

I am attaching some articles for you to read but in all honesty I would find a 24 hour animal hospital and get your bunny in there tonight.

I do hope that your rabbit recovers.
