Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > runny eye ?

runny eye ?

22 10:37:44

i have a Neither dwarf an he is 4 about 2 weeks ago i noticed one of his eyes  were runny not like crusty but it looked grey in the corner of the eye closest to his nose  not on the actual eye it self but on the fur around it but he seemed fine so i thought id wait before taken him in to the vet but now his other eye is the same he is acting normal and his nose and ears are fine its just his eyes do you know what the problem is ? and do you think i should take him in to the vet?

Dear Desiree,

In ND rabbits particularly, molar problems can cause runny eyes, and this needs to be treated by an experienced rabbit vet.  Please find one here:

and please also read:


so you'll know what to ask.  I hope this helps.
