Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit Fever?

Rabbit Fever?

22 11:34:05

Our rabbit is about 3 months, not sure what breed but, we were told he is a Netherland Dwarf and a male.  His ears are long and have started going down along the sides.  Today he seems like he doesn't feel well.  I have seen him eating Timothy Hay this morning and his poo seem hard compared to what it has been, but that is based on only a few.  He also seem hot to me.  Can you help?

To find out if he is running a fever, you need a thermometer.  The instructions for taking his temp can be found here:

If he is running a fever, then it'd be best to get him to a vet to figure out why he is ill.

Here is some information on medical emergencies, just for your reference:

Good luck.
