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To put our bunny down or not

22 11:23:38

Our one bunny has badly occuluded teeth.  We trim every few weeks and she hates it.  Sometimes the lower teeth fall out on their own and her mouth gets swollen.  She's generally miserable, but who wouldn't be.  Are we doing her any favours keeping her around or do you think we should put her down.  I'm so torn.  Thanks for any advice.

You could have the incisors removed, I've known several bunnies who have had that done because their teeth were so crooked or grew so quickly or broke down below the gumline every time they were trimmed.

I had a foster bunny with no incisors, I just had to chop up carrots and other hard veggies for him since he no longer had front teeth.

The bonus is, the bunny can't chew on cords or furniture or anything.

You can read more about various dental issues at
