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Bunnys nail fell off

22 11:37:51

Question rabbit's nail just fell off! He bled's not bleeding anymore. I'm looking at the nail...looks healthy, but the whole thing just came off! The nail is approx 1/2 inch long, with blood only on the very tip-top of it. Will it heal on it's own? Anything I can do to help my bunny?
Thank you so much,

Dear Kim,

Just wash the area thoroughly with Betadine (povidone iodine) diluted to the color of weak tea, and then keep an eye on the toe for any signs of redness and swelling.  If you see that, then it's off to the vet.  Broken nails *can* become infected, and because they are connected to the bone, such infections can travel into the bone and become very serious if they are not treated promptly and aggressively.  This is rare, but it *can* happen, so it's good to be aware and vigilant.

The nail should grow back normally.  But if bun is favoring her foot, then he's hurting, and it's a good idea to take him to the vet for a good check up and some pain meds (Banamine is excellent for rabbits, though not good for dogs and cats.)  You'll need a vet who specializes in exotics, and who is familiar with what medications are safe and not safe for rabbits.  You can find one here:

If your bunny's nails are 1/2" they are probably in need of trimming (nails that are too long can catch on things and break off painfully, as you have already seen!).  The vet can show you how to do this safely.

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
