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Small lump on stomach

22 9:51:17

I noticed today that my rabbit has a small lump on his stomach under his one nipple. It is soft, moves with the skin and is not visible, you can only tell it's there by touch. It's about the size of a pea. He does not seem in any discomfort when I put any pressure on it and he is eating/drinking normally as well as passing everything per usual. Was wondering if this could possibly be a fat deposit or something else? We also just moved a week ago so he is in a new environment - could stress have anything to do with it either? Thank you

Dear Jordan,

If it's moving with the skin, that's better than if it were firmly fixed.  But it could be an abscess or even a tumor.  So I would get bun to a good rabbit vet:

who can have a look. The vet might simply tell you to watch the lump and note any change in size or shape, but it's good to have a baseline so you can really tell if it's growing.  If it is growing, I would have it removed and identified, so the vet can prescribe any treatment necessary.

I hope this helps.
