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My bunnys is sick

22 10:49:02

Hi. Imkelsey And im 14 years old. I have a large rex about 1.5 years old. we bred her a couple of weeks ago. I dont know whats wrong with her, if she is just pregnant or sick. She is breathing heavily and sounds condesjed but im not sure. It looks like her cheeks on her face, By her teeth in the front, not on the side, are swollen. she doenst have anything wrong with her poop so i dont think its anything with her stomach. She is usualy very active when we bring her in. I brought her in the house and she just plopped right down. i don't know whats wrong with her. Is she sick, or are these usual traits of a pregnant rabbit? Thank you reply as soon as you can!!!

Dear Kelsey,

Please get your bunny to a good rabbit vet immediately:

From your description, it sound as if she may have a dental abscess that needs immediate treatment.  It's not only painful (be sure to ask the vet about pain management for her!), but also could get worse without quick treatment.  Please read:


as well as:

I hope this helps.
