Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Biting after I have petted or groomed Peanut

Biting after I have petted or groomed Peanut

22 11:17:06

Thank you so much! A question: What can I give her for a snack besides carrots and lettuce b/c she can't have that yet b/c she's under 8 months. Couldn't I give her those nuts covered in sesame seeds? Oh and one more thing: My brothers rabbit licks people every time she is picked up. I read this article how the licking means she is saying thx or i like you.

Followup To

Question -
I have had my rabbit for about 2 1/2- 3 months. She is about 4 1/2 months old and is a baby! When I get up , I eat my breakfast, and I go to pick her up, she gets very tense and starts kicking. She then calms down after I hold her on my chest. But after her kicking fiasco I will find sratches that are bleeding or that have dried blood. Anyway, then I will sit down with her and put and she will climb on my shoulder and turn her head and will bite me. I look at her and tell her no. Sometimes she won't do it again and most of the time (just about every day), she let me pet her again then bite me on the finger or the arm. I don't know how to handle it. I sometimes when I get up I wake her up and know that sometimes she gets upset sometimes when I "bother" her to say good morning. I sometimes want her to get used to my schedule. But I know I might have a frisky rabbit and I need some help/advice on how to deal with it b/c I sometimes want to strike back, but I don't. I might need to ajust my schedule to get used to hers. 3
Awaiting your answer anxiously.
Allyson B.

Answer -
Rabbits can get used to about any schedule, so as long as she is fed consistently she won't mind what the schedule is.

She is biting you to tell you that she does not want to be picked up.  Rabbits in general don't like to be picked up, it's the rare rabbit that actually likes it.  Instinctually they know that when they are picked up it means they are dinner, and they fight that.  Even though it isn't true in your home, you can't get her to stop believing that.

She would rather that you sit on the floor with her and pet her there, she feels more comfortable there.

Rabbits do not understand or respond to negative reinforcement or punishment.  You can reward them for doing things right, but punishing them from doing things wrong will only get you a frustrated rabbit.  

If you can get her to voluntarily come sit with you, give her a treat.  Then, if she will voluntarily sit on your lap, reward her for that.  If you can be patient eventually she may come up and sit on you, but it has to be if she wants to.


Give her something that won't cause issues, like herbs or raisins.  Rabbits are not set up to digest nuts, especially those high in saturated fat.

Yes, licking can either mean that she likes you a lot, or she'd kind of like down but is being very polite about it.
