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Broken Bunny Nail!

22 10:12:48

Hi, I'm Carolyn :)
I have a Netherlands Dwarf Bunny. He's about a year and a half old.
My brother and I noticed that he was cleaning his front paw a lot more than he usually would. He was also being particularly antisocial and hiding behind the curtains (like he usually does)

He went back in his cage for a while and I saw one of his nails sitting next to him! There wasn't any blood on it or anything but my bunny wouldn't let me get close enough to his feet to check him out.

It was still pointed at the end, and we're wondering if we might have missed it last time we clipped his nail or something. I'm not sure how it could have been broken though :/

Please help! :)

Hi I am guessing what happened wich has happened to me many times is that you might have missed the dew claw on the inner side of the front paws. As long as he isn't bleeding everywhere he will be fine it will grow back as long as he didnt pull out the nail bed and the only way to know about that for sure is time