Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit is having labored breathing

my rabbit is having labored breathing

22 10:37:41

Question names tori...i have three rabbits, had them for wuite a while...

i have one, her name is spotty...shes 3(i think, pretty sure), but she has had a cataract in her eye...

shes not breathing correctly...she holds her head up, her nostrals flare, and her stomach heaves a lot...i dont know what to do...

can u help me?

i would deeply appreciat it...i love her very much

thank you for your time


Those are signs of a serious problem, and you should bring your bunny to the vet as soon as possible. You can find a rabbit savvy veterinarian from the House Rabbit Society's list:

And, if finances are an issue, some vets will offer payment plans. CareCredit is also a way to get the extra funds you need for vet bills:

Good luck!