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treatment of ear mites with mineral oil and vegetable oil

22 11:08:29

hi i read that u treat ur rabbits with mineral oil and vegetable oil to combat ear mites. will this work for what i think is a mite infestation on the back of the rabbits neck?- appearing as white crusty, dandruff, dry skin. and if so is it just normal household vegetable cooking oil and is mineral oil available from a superstore? how do i mix the two oils (quantity?)how often etc, if u could help[ me in this matter would be very grateful, thanks mike.

It sounds like you have ear mites that have spread to the back of the neck. Yes the mineral oil and veggitable oil should work.
I don't mix them though. I just use one or the other. What ever one I have available at treatment time. If you were to mix them though, I would do it in equal parts. Treat them as often as needed. Try once every three days. The mites should be gone pretty quick because the oil smothers them out. If it doesn't work on the fur, and the mites remain, you may need to get a mite spray for rabbits from a rabbit supply store. Be sure to treat the ears along with the back of the neck just incase it is a spread of ear mites.