Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > toe bitting

toe bitting

22 10:42:00

Our 12 week year old spade rabbit likes to bite peoples feet. She doesn't bite hard but its enough to get your attention. We tried shrieking but she still does it. And its only the feet. Can you give us a hint at what she is thinking?


It's kind of hard to know why without more information about any pattern with her biting.

Rabbits bite for a variety of reasons.  Sometimes, they bite because they want something from you.  Sometimes they bite because they don't want to do something like go in their cage.  Sometimes they bit because they feel you are in their territory and they want you to go away.  And sometimes they like you and engage in grooming which has some little bites in it.

If she bites because she wants something from you, you don't want to encourage her by giving it to her.  It will just reinforce that behavior.
If she bites when you're near her cage or area, it could be a territory issue.  

Since she isn't responding to your shrieking, you may want to try something like squirting her when she does this.  Or you can try the method listed here
where you give the biting rabbit lots of attention when they do this.  

Here are some other sites that give tips on this, I hope one of these work for your little biter: