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violent rabbit

22 11:31:12

my rabbit barks, growls, bites (when he doesn't get what he wants, like being pet), charges my friends when they come into the house and constantly circles my feet. did i do something wrong when i raised him? also i tried once to leash him so i could take him outside only it was scary how violently he reacted to it. are there ways to nicely get him accustomed or are some rabbits just not suited to be put on a leash?  

It sounds like your rabbit is very hormonal and needs to be spayed or neutered.  

You can read about that at

Within a couple of weeks after the surgery, the hormomes will go out of the system and then you will have a nice, sweet bunny back.

As for the leash, some rabbits will not accept one, and rather than have them cause themselves injury it is safer just not to try.
