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are my does do young

22 10:43:05

Hi Pam
I have just bought 2 does one of them is 12 weeks old the other is 10 weeks.I bought a buck this week who's age is unknown to look at him he looks only a few weeks older than the does.I keep them seperate at night, but in the day they are in the garden together.(under supervision).The buck has made more than one atempt at mateing with the 10 week old but i keep stoping him. Is she to young. Even tough the 12 week old is showing him far more intrest he seems hell bent on catching the younger one.

Hi Sharon

If your buck is sexually mature he is going to try to mate anything he can.  They will even try to mate the cat or stuffed animals.

Honestly I wouldn't even allow them to be together under supervision.  It is highly unlikely that the 10 week old will get pregnant but it is possible that the 12 week old will.  It would be very tragic because she is way to young to be bred and it could very well kill her.  Even though you are watching them it literally only takes one second.  

The best thing to do is let the girls continue to play together and keep their bond but you are going to have to keep the boy alone and let him play alone until he can be neutered.  If you bought these rabbits to use as show or breeding rabbits then they should never be bonded and should always have their own separate play time.  I know it seems like a lonely life but if you are into showing that's unfortunately the way it has to be.  If they are pets then of course they can all be bonded once the buck gets neutered.  If he is mounting now then he might be old enough.  All you have to do is look and if you see 2 testicles then he can be taken to a vet for the surgery.  

If you would like information on bonding you can try this site

Good luck and I hope all works out for you and your bunnies.
