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if my rabbit is pregnate

22 10:43:04

hey, i went on a trip with my parents and my sister said that my rabbit (Jill)is taking grass and putting it under are deck and my sister thinks she might be pregnant. when i got home i saw she got bigger and ate more food and drank more water and was angry and agressive.but the weird think is that we don't have a male rabbit.

Dear Matthew,

Your bunny might be having a false pregnancy.  But if you are in the UK or Europe, the wild rabbits are the same species as domestic ones, and a wild male might have visited if your female was outside.  

If you're in the US, a stray feral rabbit might have been around, but the local native wild rabbits are not capable of impregnating a domestic rabbit, as they are different species.

If your bunny is pregnant, I hope this will help:

But be sure to read:

so you'll know what to do for her health and safety, as soon as you can.

Hope this helps.
