Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Taste


22 10:44:11

It seems breeders are going for more meat and less bones and don't care much about taste.  Which breeds taste the best?  If I want to breed and eat what breeds will I not get sick of eating?

Hi Tom,

One rabbit breed pretty much tastes like another.  There is no discernable taste difference between different breeds of farmed rabbits that the average palette can detect.

Breeds do differ on meat:bone ratio and this is important as the end buyers do not want to pay for kilos/pounds of bones.  Many processors will also only buy white skins which also affects which breeds are commonly used for commercial meat production.

Any sort of medium sized rabbit will make a good meat rabbit.  New Zealand Whites and their crossess are always a safe choice for first time breeders.  But it's really a personal thing.  

I breed NZW, Flemish Giant and English spots and their crosses.  But remember the larger breeds eat more and require more space and unless you calculate your profits correctly they might not be a viable option for your circumstances.

If you are serious about getting meatrabbits I suggest you join the meatrabbits group at Yahoo:

They are a great bunch of people and very free with their knowledge.

Good luck and have fun!!!