Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Single rabbit?

Single rabbit?

22 9:48:15

Is it o.k to keep a single rabbit or is it essential to have a pair ? We can't afford breeding due to space constraints.

Dear P L Gupta,

If you cannot have your rabbit spayed (female) or neutered (male), then do not get a second rabbit.  Please read:

for complete information.  You are wise to be cautious about this. While rabbits love the companionship of their own kind, unrestricted breeding would have you buried in rabbits in short order.  Please read this to know what I mean:

If you can't get your bunny a companion, then be sure to spend lots of time loving your bunny and allowing him/her to have free running time with the family.  Rabbits can be litterbox trained and make wonderful indoor companions, as nice as a cat or dog.  For information on how to make this transition, please see:

Hope this helps.
