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Nerve problem in hind leg

22 9:57:22

QUESTION: Hi Dana, I am very concerned about my pet bunny who had a dislocated hip on the right which in turn leads to a nerve problem on the left hind. I have already brought him to the vet to be treated and the vet said that my bunny left hind has a nerve problem and it is going to be left like that forever. I would like to ask if there is anyway to improve my bunny's left hind as my bunny now have no control at all and is immobile now. I would really like to help if i know of anyway such as massage of physical therapy.
Thank you

ANSWER: Dear Kelly,

Do you know for certain that your bunny has a dislocated hip?  How was this diagnosed?  If the vet just guessed this because the bunny was having trouble moving his hind legs, then please read this:

and *especially* the linked article at the top by Dr. Susan Brown.

If the problem is really a dislocated hip, then there is not much that can be done.  But if the problem is Encephalitozoon cuniculi, there are treatments, such as fenbendazole (Panacur).  Please also read the excellent articles here:

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Dana , thanks for your reply and i read the article .Yes , indeed the right hind has a dislocation because it was shown in an x-ray that shows a dislocation. However , now he is gaining the use of the dislocated hind. It is the left hind i am concern about which the vet says is a nerve problem. The hind can even turn 90 degree upwards(feet facing the sky), and it is totally not even touching the ground . i Heard from the vet that there are some stuff i could do to improve the nerve problem , but the vet did not tell me what is the thing i could do to improve the nerve problem. If you know of any, do guide me along . Thank you so much

Dear Kelly,

Unless this is being caused by his favoring of the dislocated hip, I would wonder if this might be a sign of Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  Please ask the vet if it would be wise to treat with Panacur and/or ponazuril to arrest this parasite.  If it's not the parasite, then the two drugs are pretty safe, anyway.  Might help.
