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my rabbit is peeing blood

22 10:29:40

I have a lop eared bunny and recently i noticed that her pee is coming out red.  I was just wondering what this meant.  i just want to no if it is something that I should take her to see a vet. for or what it is?

It can mean different things.  Most of the time, a dark colored urine is  something normal to see from time to time.  In my experience, diet is often the cause for this.  This site lists many common causes of a red color in the urine:

Blood in the urine isn't seen much.  And it's not so much as a color, just something different seen in the blood.

This expert describes more of what would be seem with blood in urine:

If it's just a dark colored urine, you're bunny is probably fine.

But if you ever do happen to see blood in the urine, a vet visit would be in order.