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change in habbit

22 10:15:48

My rabbit was potty trained, but all of sudden, decided to stop using the pot and just goes in the cage...what gives?

Hi Raz,

The most likely cause of this issue is hormonal.  We see this a lot in rabbits that have not been spayed or neutered.  Especially with males, it is a way to show their sexual prowness.  They will even urinate or poop on you.  The fix for this is simple.....spay or neuter.  Not only will this make a more docile rabbit, it will also eliminate the potential for serious medical issues down the road.  We have a testicular cancer survivor here in our sanctuary.  And the girls have a bad habit of developing endometriosis or uterine cancer.  

Another possibility is territorial.  Even the domestics still see us as predators.  Something as simple as rearranging furniture in a room can set off territorial behavior.  Sometimes individual rabbits may be so sensitive to change that unfamiliar people may cause this behavior.  This behavior comes from a couple of things.  First, rabbits don't see things abstract like we do.  They see a series of shadows and possibly shades of green and blue.  Want proof?  Just come near your rabbit with a large hat or carrying a box and most of them will show signs of fear.  So something new will cause some concern until they can investigate it and become familiar with it.  In the wild (and domestics are still technically wild animals) marking with poop or urine also marks the way back to the den....and safely.  It's an escape route they can follow to quickly find shelter from predators.

And medical issues can also be part of the problem especially in older rabbits.  But I would start looking at the hormonal issue first.  Might be a good idea to visit a rabbit savvy vet for a physical exam and possibly a little spay/neuter.