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My 7wk old female rabbit

22 11:10:49

How can I get my rabbit to stop biting? Ill tell her no or give her something else to chew on but she like to bite skin.

She may be needing salt. Check your feed. Usually a feed lower in protein- Say less than 16% doesn't have enough salt to satisfy them. Try putting a salt wheel in her pen.
Also biting is common in youngsters. It is thier way of exploring. Also some breeds tend to bite more than others. Breeds such as the Netherland Dwarf and Britanna Pitete are known to be biters. Although i raise netherlnad dwarfs, I have not came across many. Usually when they are biting like that young, they will grow out of it. If she doesn't stop you may also try washing your hands before you mess with her. She may be smelling something on your hands that interest her, and she only knows to taste it to find out what it is.