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My rabbits vagina: yellowish mucous membranes

22 10:20:08

I regularly check my rabbits to make sure they are healthy, and today I was slightly alarmed when I gently tipped my rabbit on her back to check her genital area, that her vagina was off colored. It wasn't the usual pink fleshy tone, it was yellowish. Her bottom was clean and free from poop. I'm really worried as she isn't displaying any other symptoms and is hopping around very happily now in her run. Please advise asap. Thank you

Dear Zena,

Check your bunny's other mucous membranes, too.  Check her inner eyelids, her gums, and the insides of her ears.  If they appear yellowish, too, then I would get her to a good rabbit vet without delay:

If she is jaundiced, she could have a liver problem that needs to be diagnosed via bloodwork and treated as the vet feels appropriate.

If she's anemic, this could signal other problems, especially if she is not spayed.  Unspayed, unbred female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine cancer.

So bottom line, if this condition persists, I'd err on the side of caution and have a good rabbit vet examine her to see if there's a problem, of if this is nothing to worry about.

Hope this helps.
