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rabbit health/cancer

22 10:37:14

i got a bunny from a friend and recently noticed a golfball sized lump on her lower belly, close to her rectum could it be cancer. she also has not been spayed, we just got her.

Dear Michelle,

Without seeing the lump, I can't really tell you what it is.  But if it is firmly attached to underlying tissue and does not move with the skin, the news is not as good as if it moves freely with the skin.  In the latter case, it could be an abscess that needs to be removed (whole and intact, as if it were a tumor).  

If she is not spayed and is more than a year or so old, it's possible that this is a mammary tumor.  But in either case, she needs to be seen by a good rabbit vet:

who can make a positive diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment, such as surgical removal of the lump to effect a more permanent (and quick!) cure.

I hope this helps.
