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Cottontail nest too close to our pool

22 9:58:15

We have an in ground pool in our backyard with a privacy fence around it. Yesterday, I noticed a patch of dead grass on the rocks and suspected it was a rabbit nest and it was. It was not there the day previously so I know the babies were born that day sometime (06-29-10). Although I can keep our animals (and children) away, I am concerned about them being so close to the pool. When they start venturing out of the nest, will they know to stay away or will they fall in? And second, the nest is in the rocks. Should I put some low level planters with grass in it for when they do start to leave the nest? I do not want to interfere, and know that baby bunnies die often for many reasons, but finding them in our pool would be too much. i also thought about putting a small fence around the nest and cutting a small hole for the mother to come and go, but would she know to come around the other side of the fence?

Dear Amy,

I think your idea of a fence is a good one, but instead of putting it around the nest (which might discourage mama from visiting), I'd just line up a long barrier fence along the entire length of the pool where the babies are likely to venture once they come out of the nest.  And yes, your worries are not unfounded:  the babies will not have the instinct to avoid the pool and could very easily fall in.

If you can get some hardware cloth and re-bar stakes to set up a temporary barrier (it doesn't have to be tall; probably 12-18 inches will do it) to keep the babies away from the pool, I think you would really be saving their lives.

Hope this helps.
