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dwarf bunny help!!

22 9:42:48

Hello, I recently bought a 3 month old dwarf bunny. I'm trying to potty train him but I'm having multiple problems. First whenever I put him on my bed he expels poop that looks like seed or pills, he even peed on my bed board. I'm letting him out of his cage so he can run around my room and he is not peeing or pooping.. But why does he does it in my bed and what can I do to stop it. Also I'm feeding him some pellets that the previous owner gave me I don't know the brand, and I bought him some oat hay. I am free feeding him, but I don't know if I should do this, I don't want him to be over feed or hungry....  Please help me with this problem.. I will really appreciate it


At 3 months old he's nearing sexual maturity so will be using pee and poo to scent mark. From 4 months old he can be neutered. Neutering will help stop him using pee and poo to scent mark. It will also mean you can consider contacting a local rescue and bonding him with a spayed wifebun, they are always happiest with another bun to snuggle with but they must be spayed/neutered and properly bonded.

Beds are lovely and soft and smell of you a LOT. This is a temptation for all bunnies to pee on I'm afraid! Some neutered bunnies just can't resist even. I recommend getting some puppy pee pads and putting them over your bed clothes when he's out and about.

With his poo, it sounds like they might be a bit on the small side but it's hard to tell without seeing. 80% of his diet should be grass hay, oat hay is a treat hay. Get timothy or meadow hay and make sure he has constant access to it. With the pellets, I recommend doing some research, a good pellet is high in fibre and low in everything else, you're looking for a pellet that is at least 20% fibre. At his age he can have junior alfalfa-based pellets. Adults are better on timothy-based pellets as alfalfa is higher in calcium and can cause bladder and kidney stones in adults. At his age he can have constant access to pellets, but at 6 months as an adult this should be reduced to literally about 2 egg-cup-fulls once a day.

Adult rabbits (6 months plus) need 24/7 access to water, grass hay and then once a day have a small bowl of rabbit-safe veg/herbs and once a day a small handful of pellets.

Hope that helps.

Good luck!