Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Parsley


22 9:58:14

My rabbit seems uncomfortable and I wonder if she ate some bad parsley?  Is there any thing I can do to help her?  She would not eat her parsley this morning so I know something is up.  She is not relaxing like usual,  she will be laying down then sit up and just stay like that and it looks like she is breathing heavier. She will attempt to groom but decide to just sit there dozing. After a while she will lay down again but doesn't look relaxed.

I would appreciate any input.  I tried researching but only got confused



Hi Donna,

I believe you should still take your rabbit in to your regular good rabbit vet.  There may be some things off in her diet that caused her to get this way.  Talk with your good rabbit vet about this so that you can identify one or more things that may have caused this so you can prevent it in the future.  If she drank less when it was hot, if you have given her new foods lately, if you increased her quantities of certain foods lately (may be too much), etc.  Kick it around with your vet and see if you can determine what things may have contributed to it.  Make sure she drinks a lot of water today, put extra water crocks (bowls) out during the summer, change the water a couple times a day with colder fresh water to encourage drinking, or put ice cubes in the bowls.



I'd say she may have some gas, either in the stomach or in the gut.  If you have baby gas drops, give her several doses by the dropper and start doing tummy/abdomen massage (ie pillow on your lap, sit her on the pillow, cradle her front higher with one arm, with the other arm reach around under her and gently massage the abdominal area).  You need to do it probably for between 1/2 hour and an hour, and wait for her to teeth grind/purr to let you know she's feeling better.

If you can't get her feeling better after an hour, call your regular rabbit vet, tell them you need to come in and explain your bunny has a gi tract problem, possibly gas, but you're worried about preventing it from turning into a gi shutdown or a blockage.

If you need a rabbit vet, go to:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

Don;t wait - she's had this problem longer than you think.  It builds up to the point you finally notice.  This is why rabbit medical problems are always more serious than you think they are.