Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Cataract?


22 11:21:41

Hi, we've had a lovely rabbit called J-Lo for about 4 years (is this old for a rabbit? - how long do they usually live?) - recently we noticed a whitish 'film' over one eye, but she seems healthy in all other ways - there's no discharge etc.  Do you think it's a cataract, and would she now be blind in that eye? We can't really afford surgery, will it harm her if we leave it alone? Thanks in advance for your help!

The average lifespan of a rabbit is 7-9 years, I have known some that are 12.  So 4 is still fairly young.

If it is a cataract, then most likely she can't see out of the eye or has limited vision in it.  Rabbits adjust well to such disabilities, she will adjust for it automatically.

I've had rabbits who are blind in one eye, only have one eye, or are totally blind, and none of them have had issues other than maybe being a bit shyer than other bunnies.

You can read more about eye issues at
