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swollen eye duct and infection

22 10:53:19

I have a 12 year old female mini lop.  She's had repeated eye infections which
as worsened.  I have had her stay at the vet for a few weeks during this last
two treatments as I'm concerned as something is so swollen in her right eye
that it, maybe her third eye lid?  It is in front of her eyeball and white with
veins and round, when it appears it's as big as another eye ball.  

The infection has spread to her left eye after she's been on treatment
(antibiotic) for a few weeks.  I've asked them to add an anti-inflammatory
today - they said they are going to try it.  I'm just concerned if it's causes
pressure, although it does go down and only protrudes occasionally.  Not
certain how to keep the eye infection from coming back and from now this
new inflammation from returning each time, if this is causing her pain, if it's
fine to bring her home or if this is allergies?  

Dear Michelle,

This sounds so bizarre that I hope you might be able to take a picture of the white lesion and send it to me at so I can try to figure out what it might be.

If it protrudes from behind her eye, then I would fear it could be an encapsulated retrobulbar (behind the eye) abscess that's gotten so big it actually sticks out.  If the vets have not suggested trying to get a sample of it for biopsy and/or culture and sensitivity testing, then I would try to find another rabbit vet:

and see if this would be safe to do.

The most likely nidus for an infection like this is the molar roots, and you can read more about this here:

and please read this for more information on culture and sensitivity testing:

If this is an abscess, it is probably painful, and you might wish to ask the vet about pain medication.  We've found that a combination of metacam and tramadol is *fantastic* for that.

I hope this helps.
