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Question about Urination

22 10:38:02

My 6 year old unspayed female dwarf has decided that she doesn't like to use her litter box any more after 4+ years of little to no problems. She has started to urinate in different spots on the rug, couch, and even us while she's snuggling with us watching tv.

There is a cat in the house as well (who has recently taken to cleaning the bunny's head). Should this be taken as a medical concern or is she simply marking her territory to tell the cat what's hers? Should I restart the litter training process or do you think she will grow out of this phase?

Dear George,

I'd want to rule out medical causes before chalking it up to reacting to the cat.  An unspayed female may be having uterine problems (e.g., cancer, which is a VERY high risk in unspayed, unbred female rabbits), or urinary tract problems causing a loss of litterbox habits.  Arthritis could also be making it harder for her to jump into the box.  An experienced rabbit vet can give her a good wellness exam and find out what, if anything, needs to be treated.

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Hope that helps.
