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Rabbits - pregnancy

22 10:53:20

I bought a girl rabbit a few weeks ago from a woman who has 12 rabbits. A few days later, I discovered some wounds or cuts around her neck, Then on her back. It seems like she is losing hair. Do you think she is pregnant?

Hi Britney

She could be pregnant, she could have fleas, mites, worms, mange, ticks... the list goes on and on.  Since she has cuts and wounds all over you have no idea what conditions she was in.  She needs to be seen by a vet for a check-up.  They can also feel her belly and most of the time a good rabbit vet can tell if a bunny is pregnant.  

This is really something that needs to be done as soon as you can.  Rabbits can't tolerate stress and it can cause their GI systems to shut down.  They also don't generally lose hair when they are pregnant, they pull it when the babies are born.  

Your rabbit might also be molting.  Molts happen about 3 times a year and your rabbit will shed its old hair as new hair grows in.

This bunny still needs a doctor.  It is imperative that you get a health check-up to check those wounds.

Good luck
