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My Rabbit chews its toes off.

22 10:45:29

I have had my rabbit for a year but just a month ago she has started chewing her toes down to the bone. I thought this might be because she wasn't getting her minerals so i bought new salt and mineral licks but she continues to chew. I also just lost her companion rabbit who died of old age (he was six). she cant possibly be pregnant as they were housed in a double hutch. What is happening and how do i get her to lick her minerals. thanks for the help.

Dear Courtney,

A rabbit who is self-mutilating that badly needs to be seen by a good rabbit vet *immediately* for proper treatment.  It may be something as simple as mange making her itch so madly that she chews herself raw.  Or it could be something worse, such as numbness or tingling in the foot due to a spinal problem or injury.

Please find a good vet here:

and get that poor bunny to a good vet right away.  She is suffering, and needs your help.
