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Ear Canker Rabbit in Pain

22 10:07:30

Hi, we have a rabbit that has severe ear canker. We just noticed it because he usually stays burrowed up in the hay. I saw part of his ear and we got him out of his house. It is all over both ears and down his neck. None of our other rabbits have it. I immediately put olive oil all over his ears and neck. I also called a vet. The vet said (of course) she did not know much about rabbits but going by a book she has on rabbits she could give him ivermectin if we bring him in. We have ivermectin because of our goats we raise, but I thought it was dangerous to give to rabbits. Now I am worried about taking him to the vet, because she really doesnt know. I am sure it is painful for the rabbit because we I touch him he jerks. What can I do? Is there anything I can give him for pain? Please help. Thanks

Dear Kelly,

Ivermectin will give only temporary relief if he's picking up the mites from the hay or his surroundings.  A much better remedy is Revolution (selamectin), which is available from any vet, or via prescription from the vet and purchased online.  If you buy the cat formulation, you will use 0.1cc per kg of body weight of bunny, and apply the solution directly to the skin on the back of the neck.

This will give quite quick relief and remedy, as the mites will begin to become paralyzed as soon as they bite the poor bunny, and within about a day, almost all the mites will be paralyzed and dying.  As soon as they are, the skin underneath the scabs will begin to heal, and in a week or two, they will begin to flake off, revealing new, pink, healthy skin that will then grow fur.

Ivermectin will kill the mites (and it's safe for rabbits), but it does not last as long as Revolution, so it will not continue to kill the mites after a few days.  The bunny will need followup injections after 10-14 days.  Revolution is formulated to last about 30 days, so it will kill any mites that try to re-infest the rabbit.

You can find Revolution here:

and, I hope, find a good rabbit vet here:

Also read:

for complete information on this condition.

Note that you should also ask the vet about analgesia for the bunny, as this condition is very painful (as you have noticed).  Metacam is safe for rabbits, and our vets use a dose of 0.1-0.3mg/kg for rabbits with excellent results.

I hope this helps.
