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Dangered rabbits

22 10:44:56

What happens if you fear for the rabbit's life?  Let's say they're about 12 days old, and there are animals like cats and a dog who live there and the bunny is just sitting in the grass about 30 ft. away from its nest.  Is there anything you can do to protect it or should you just leave it?  Also, what if there is a big storm? Should you put shelter over it or not?

Hi Jessica

I don't understand?  Is this a wild rabbit?  If it is a wild rabbit and it is 12 days old it will run away.  If it is not moving or is to young to move you can put it back in the nest.  The mother won't abandon it just because you touch it.  If it is raining or storming it should be ok.  Unless there is a huge flood I wouldn't worry to much about it.  The mother should have made a good nest for it.  If you are horribly concerned you can try constructing some sort of shelter but it is going to have to be about as big as a building so that the mother is not afraid to return.  Try putting up a large sheet of plywood leaning on 2 2x4's put in the direction that the wind is blowing.  That should protect the nest from the rain and still not scare the mother away.

I hope this was a wild rabbit you were talking about.  If you ever find a tiny baby wild rabbit out of the nest don't be afraid to put it back.  It is a myth that the mother will abandon the nest if the babies are touched.  Rabbits pretty much don't care.  They come in feed them and leave.  That is about it as far as caring for their babies.

Good luck if you have any more questions let me know.
