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rabbit ineraction

22 9:44:50

I have a 3 yr old male domestic rabbit that is very friendly and spoiled, my wife thought he needed a friend,so my neighbor had some wild domestic rabbits, we caught one, it was a female. I put her in his house which is a 15'x15' log shed,when I turned her loose he turned into a little freak, trying to bite at me and the new bunny,she ran down a hole that he has dug that is about 4-5 ft. deep.She has disappeared for 3 days. My question is would of he killed her?

Hi Bill,

There is a good possibility that he may have killed her.  You can't just put 2 rabbits together.  They need to be properly bonded and they both need to be spayed and neutered.  You can read about bonding here:

Good luck
