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Do rabbits dream?

22 11:08:32

I've never seen my rabbits not react to me or light any time day or night.  Even when they play dead, they move if I get close.  Do they ever go into a state like human REM sleep?

Dear Tom,

Because they are a prey species, rabbits are very light sleepers, and the slightest movement, even in a familiar territory, will often completely awaken them and put them into a state of mild alert.

But yes, rabbits do dream and have REM sleep.  I've often watched my bunnies fall asleep while I'm nearby doing something quiet (such as reading), and it's hilarious.  They dream about sex (the hips start pumping), they dream about eating (the lips move and they chew), they sing to each other (yes, rabbits can even talk and sing in their sleep), and they even run (evidence by RTM:  Rapid Toe Movement).

If your bunnies are with you in sleepy, quiet times and you're still, you'll likely eventually see this.  It's a hoot.

Dana  :)