Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > one limp ear

one limp ear

22 10:45:20

Hi, I left my bunny in my apartment for a approx a week and my sister checked in on her to make sure she had food and water.  I came home on Friday to find one of her ears hanging down.  She is able to move it but one ear is up and alert while the other remains limp.  Is this an ear infection or infestation?  I am unable to take her to a vet until Monday and she is among other bunnies. I have her upstate Worcester NY.  Please help me!!!!!!!!

Dear Jackie,

If your bunny is an adult, this could be an early sign of an ear infection or possibly E. cuniculi, which can eventually result in a head tilt.  Please read:

(a long, technical article by a vet, but possibly useful for you to bring to a vet in your area) and also:

(my own experience with head tilt.)

If the bunny is a baby (6-10 weeks old), she may just now be expressing some lop genes, and this is not cause for alarm.  But if she's an adult, please use this list to find a good rabbit vet:

who will know how to examine her and diagnose the problem.  If it's an ear infection, please ask for a culture and sensitivity test:

to be sure the right antibiotics are prescribed.

I hope this helps.  A limp ear doesn't sound like a life-threatening emergency, but you're wise to get her to a good rabbit vet ASAP to start treatment, if necessary, and to set your mind at ease.

Hang in there, and please write back if you have any other questions.
