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Rabbit with lumps on chest

22 10:30:34

Hi, this may sound like a strange question, but we have a 1 year old rabbit, and we have just noticed that she has 4 little lumps on her chest.  Could this be her actual breast tissue or could she have something wrong?  They are small teet like in shape, with darker dots in the centre of the teet.  She seems healthy in herself, I have noticed a little fur loss on the top of her legs but not sure if this is something that is normal for rabbits.  Thank you for your help

Hi Amanda,

I think what you are seeing are nipples.  There should be two more maybe that you aren't seeing.

The fur loss on the legs, this happens when too much weight is on their legs (or they are on hard surfaces a lot) and they wear off that hair due to friction.

Has she been spayed?  If not, has she been with an intact male rabbit?  If so, she is pregnant.  If not, she may be slightly overweight and/or spending too much time sitting on hard surfaces, and wearing away the hair on the back of her hocks.  You need to make sure she spends most of her time (at least in her caging) on soft surfaces, like synthetic sheepskin or soft pet bedding material so that she is not going to wear her hair down so quickly.  In the meantime you can put a dab of Bag Balm, preparation H, or if the skin is UNBROKEN (can't be bleeding), a protective covering of New Skin on the red,bald area.  It will allow for protection and the hair can grow back.

Also you'll need to make sure she is not overweight.  The extra weight causes hair to be rubbed off the hocks faster.

If she is pregnant the added weight is explainable not because of overfeeding.
