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Popped Lump: Draining abscess

22 10:05:36

Hello, I have a 5 month old dwarf rabbit that has discharge coming out of her eyes and nose for about 2 weeks. One day a lump appeared which i believe is a abscess. Sadly I am not able to take her to the vet, but the lump popped and pus is coming out. I was just wondering if you had any advice on cleaning the lump and if putting polysporin ointment would be ok.

Dear Emily,

Don't use polysporin.  Keep the abscess as open as possible, and flush it with dilute povidone iodine solution.  The critical thing is to keep this as open and draining and dry as possible.  You may need to get a flushing syringe from the pharmacy, as well as the Betadine (or generic brand).

But this will likely not resolve on its own if it is a tooth root abscess.  Please see:


I'm not sure why you say you can't take her to the vet.  But this is what you must do if you want her to get well.  It's part of responsible pet ownership to provide your companion bunny with the medical care she needs if she's sick.

I hope you can find a vet here:

who might be able to work out a payment plan, if finances are the issue.  But your bunny needs your help now.  She has no one else to turn to.

Good luck,
