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albino bunny whimpering

22 9:59:06

I have an albino bunny,and I'm worried because on the left side of her nose is a deep line she won't let me really look at it but what worries me is the hard bump at the top of that line and she doesn't have one on the other side. Another thing is when she jumps she make a whimper sound and she never did that before.

Dear Tamerah,

If you fear she has an injury or an abscess (infection) on that spot on her nose, then please get her to a good rabbit vet:

who can have a good look and treat appropriately.

If she is whimpering, she may be having a false pregnancy, and that means she's old enough to be spayed.  This is very important, as unspayed female rabbits have a *very* high risk of uterine cancer.

Please read:

for complete information.

I hope this helps.
