Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My 10 week old bunny died

My 10 week old bunny died

22 11:21:46

I recently got a rabbit. She was a dwarf, 8 weeks old. I held her every day and cleaned her cage and took her outside everyday. One morning I got up and went to go feed her but she was laying in her cage dead. I have a cat that likes to watch the rabbit in the cage. Can you tell me if my cat could have given my rabbit a heart attack or if there are any plants that could have killed my rabbit? She was 10 weeks when she died. Thank you.

Dear Anna,

Without more information, it is absolutely impossible to know why the bunny died.  If she was afraid of the cat, then the stress of being watched constantly could certainly have contributed to her demise.  Being held and handled too much also can cause stress and result in intestinal problems that can kill.  Most rabbits do NOT like to be held and carried around.

If you saw any sign at all of runny stool, then your bunny may have been suffering from cecal dysbiosis due to stress from overhandling, poor diet, or fear of the cat--or a combination thereof.  Please visit:


for information on proper care of rabbits.  I am very sorry for your loss.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
