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What they can eat

22 11:21:45

Thanks for the reply.
One more question - I know that bunnies are supposed to have "unlimited" timothy hay.  My problem is that all 3 of my bunnies are pigs and they eat all of it right away!
By the time I get home from work there is not one strand left.  I put as much as I can fit into their dishes.
Is this ok?  I also feed them veggies as soon as I get home from work.
Followup To
Question -
Hi- Can my bunnies eat the green "husk" leaf material off of corn on the cob?   Or is it bad for them?
Answer -
Dear Theresa,

I would not give them corn husks for two reasons.  First, they are very stringy, and hard to chew.  Since I know of bunnies who have gotten the strings of celery caught on their teeth and caused serious problems, I would think the same thing might happen with corn husks.

Second, corn husks, unless they're from organically grown corn, are loaded with pesticides.  I just wouldn't feed them to my bunnies when there are so many other good things to feed them:

Hope this helps!


Dear Theresa,

The fact that you said "bowls" suggests to me that you're not giving them nearly enough hay.  We actually put a huge mound of hay right in the corner of the litterboxes (we use Feline Pine, which is highly absorbent,and keeps the hay clean), and the bunnies sit and munch as they poop.  :)

Alternatively, get a large hay rack, and fill it with a bunny-sized wad of good hay.  You'll know you're giving them enough when you see a few leftover strands at the end of the day.  You simply cannot overfeed grass hay.

Hope that helps!
