Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit Mother is Pulling Her Fur Again/Babies are 2 weeks old

Rabbit Mother is Pulling Her Fur Again/Babies are 2 weeks old

22 10:59:15

Hi Pam,
Our rabbit had 3 babies and 2 were very small. One was not thriving and it died. The other two are still going strong except one is half the size of the other. The larger baby bunny stretches out under the mother and the tiny one keeps getting pushed out.

My bright idea today was taking them out of the cage for part of the day and then putting them back in to feed (I bring them in at night; it's been cold so that's not a problem) but letting the smallest one get a head start on the feeding and I was going to add the larger baby about a minute later.

The mother rabbit started looking all around for the other, larger rabbit and started to feed the tiny one and then just picked up the tiny one in her mouth and flung it up into the nesting box. I immediately intervened, got her out of the box, soothed her and the baby; he was fine.

I then added the larger baby right away but she wouldn't go near the nesting box and began pulling her fur out then stuck it in the nesting box and got in and then fed the babies. I positioned the smallest one above the larger one so he could get an ample feeding and there were no further incidents.

I am concerned the tiny one is not getting enough food and I've supplemented with KMR kitten formula but the baby bunny is fighting me on that now.

Should I just leave well enough alone and continue to position the smaller one in the nesting box so when Mama rabbit gets in the little guy will have a fighting chance?


If the baby isn't getting enough food there is nothing wrong with holding the momma in the box until it does.  There is also nothing wrong with taking the whole nest box inside and then just putting it back twice a day for feeding.

I am concerned that you said one is very small.  I don't know how old they are and the breed but smaller breeds will often have babies called peanuts.  It is basically a double dwarf gene that causes it to very small and under developed.  Peanuts never survive, ever.  Sometimes they can live a day or up to even 2 weeks but science has proven that they never survive.  If it is a peanut often times the back legs will be under developed and it will have a domed head.  It is just something to consider because mothers will sometimes nurture peanuts and other times they will just sit on them or step on them because somehow they know.

About pulling fur.  She might be having a false pregnancy or think she hasn't delivered yet.  It happens very often so don't worry about that.

If you are sure the baby is not a peanut, or even if you are not... just continue to do what you are doing.  As long as you are holding her down for the little one then it is most likely getting enough nutrients.  

