Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Is alfalfa ok???

Is alfalfa ok???

22 11:16:42

Hi, i recently bought a new rabbit to breed. I bought her from a show. I was so excited to bring he home that i forgot to ask the breeder what kind of food they give her. right now i am just feeding the food that our local feed store has and she is not eating it. i have alfalfa in her cage and that is all she eats! so what should i do? is it ok that she only eats alfalfa? And is there anything that i can give her for nutrition or somthing? i really dont want her to get sick because i love her! plz help!
thank you

Alfalfa hay is wonderful for younger rabbits, too high in calories for adult rabbits.  If you can contact the breeder, find out what food he is feeding so you can get some and transition her over to what you are going to be feeding her.  Some rabbits are picky and will only eat certain pellets.

There's more diet information about what you can feed and the amounts at
