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Why did my bunny die:(

22 11:16:49

thank you for trying to help me i just have a few questions. Can a bunny be depressed if there is no other bunnies in the cage with him? and before cinnomin died i clipped his nails but i did not cut too far do u think this has to do with his legs not working or evan his death?

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Question -
Hi me and my family just lost our bunny cinnomin he was 6 months and very healthy and playfull. A week before he died he wasent eating or drinking and he had diareia alot, so we took him to the vet, and they said that theres nothing wrong with him but feed him baby food and they also gave us medicine. So next day we fed him vegetable baby food and the medicine and he was looking fine and was back to normal but he still was having diareia problems he was not pooping or peeing and he also wasent eating so we deicded to take him to look out for him for one more day and then take him to the vet again. The next day he was still not pooping or eating and he looked weaker my parents said not to take him to the vet beacause he will be fine. that night i went to his cage seeing cinnamon lying there i took him out and he couldent stand propely his front legs were fine but his back legs werent when we put him on the ground he would drag his legs to move. we were going to rush him to the vet but 5 min later cinnomin past away:(:(:(

Answer -
Not knowing the vet, I do not know if he did not know rabbits.  A rabbit who is not eating or drinking and has diarrhea is a medical emergency.  Without having a necropsy (a rabbit autopsy) done, it would be impossible to say what he passed away from.

I am sorry for your loss, and I apologize for not being able to assist you.


Bunnies can become depressed, generally they only become so depressed they die when they lose a bonded bunny friend.  It doesn't sound like this is the case for your rabbit.

And no, the only thing you could have done while trimming nails was cut the quick, and you would have seen blood.  I do not believe that this had anything to do with you losing the bunny.
