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Mini Rex injury

22 10:18:30

Our Mini Rex seems to have a hindleg nail sticking straight up and bleeding a little, like the nail got caught and pulled out of joint or out of the skin.  What should be done to take care of it?

Okay i am not a vet so please do not take my advice as medical help, I can only offer you suggestions of what I would do in your situation.

I suggest making sure the area is clean and putting some neosporin on it. This is a fairly common problem rabbit people face, while it is not life threatening you do want to make sure that the area stays clean, because it is on the foot, you are going to have to pay extra attention to cleanliness of cage for the next couple of weeks, and keep an antibiotic ointment on it as often as you can. This will help protect the area from germs.

Your probably going to have to wait until the nail falls out or off, then contintue to medicate it like before.

However it is never a bad idea to either make an appt with a vet or at very least give them a call and tell them what is going on, if it gets infected you will have to take the rabbit in for antibiotics.

Good Luck