Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Cleaning White Rabbit

Cleaning White Rabbit

22 11:15:27

Hi Sheila,

I have a white rabbit that gets really dirty, I want to clean her so
she comes out really white and fluffy.  When I give her a bath with the
bunny shampoo she still remains this pale yellow color.  Is there
anything I can use in particular?  Thanks :)

Amen, rabbits should not be bathed.  They clean themselves and wetting them completlty can lead to numonia - which they can die from.  You can take a slightly wet rag and rub them own if you feel you must.  That pale yello color is normal.  Maybe some one who shows rabbits can help better eith this question.  I do not bath my rabbits.  :-)
