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weight loss and muscle weakness

22 11:33:24

my male lop ear rabbit, age about 4 years, suddenly developed serious weight loss and muscle wasting. he still has a good appetite and will eat and drink well, but is unable to stand on his own now. i noticed these symptoms suddenly yesterday when i was feeding the bunnies (he is with his brother who is showing no symptoms) and he seemed very lethargic. things seem to be progressing at a fairly rapid rate. there is some diarrhea also. thanks for your help.

Dear Brooke,

If this happened suddenly, and there is sign of runny stool, then your bunny may be severely dehydrated. In rabbits, this sometimes appears to be muscle wasting, but it's actually dehydation. Muscle wasting due to health problems (e.g. renal failure) takes weeks or months, not days.

Please use this list immediately:

to find a good vet near you who can give him emergency treatment.  If he's bony, lethargic, and has runny stool, he could be close to death and you must act *QUICKLY*.  Please also read:

which explains the various causes and treatments of runny stool in rabbits.  Unless he has a severe intestinal parasite problem, the ailment causing this could be poor diet or dental problems, both of which you can read about here:


I cannot stress how much of an emergency this is.  Please get him to the vet NOW before it is too late. By the time a rabbit starts acting lethargic from dehydration, you have very little time to save his life.

Please write back if you have any other questions, but FIRST GET THAT BUNNY TO THE VET RIGHT AWAY!
