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rabbit pregnancy

22 10:58:34

when a  doe is pregnant will she growl and try to bite the buck when he gets around her

It really depends on the doe.  If they are bonded (they are always together) she shouldn't act this way even if she is pregnant.  If they aren't bonded she might just be being territorial.  Doe's go through such moody phases all the time even if they aren't pregnant.  It is not a clear indicator of pregnancy.  Another thing you want to watch out for is false pregnancies.  She might think she is pregnant but actually isn't.  

When you are putting them together always make sure you take the doe to the bucks cage.  Bucks are more interested in the doe where if you take the buck to the doe's cage she will be more interested in protecting her area.

If you would like to try to feel if she is pregnant there is a website that I found that tells you how to palpate.  It takes a lot of practice but if you plan on having regular litters it doesn't hurt to try to feel yourself.

My best suggestion to you is to keep them apart.  If she doesn't have babies within 28-33 days then you can breed her again.  

