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Bunny acting weird..

22 10:41:17

Lately I've noticed over the past few days my bunny (he isn't more than 7 months old) has been shaking his head.  It isn't often it is just once in awhile, but I hadn't really seen him do it a ton before.  Is it normal for them to shake their heads?

I've also noticed that a couple of times when he is lying down he lies down completely with his head even touching the ground and sort of outstretched.  I don't really watch him 24/7 so I've only seen him do this twice since I got him in April and am worried that something may be wrong or is he just sleeping?  Do bunnies even sleep lying down on their sides with their heads on the ground and outstretched?

Maybe I'm worrying for nothing, but I thought I would ask to be safe rather than sorry.

Dear Cristie,

The lying stretched out is fine.  It means he's relaxed and content.

But the head shaking could mean ear mites or even an ear infection.  He should be examined and treated, if necessary, by an experienced rabbit vet.  You can find one here:

Hope that helps.
